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Officer Roles and Responsibilites

President – The President is the leader and figurehead of the MC.  He will also be the spokesman when dealing with other MCs. The President is the chairman at club meetings and will represent the MC at any other meetings between MCs.

Vice President- Second in charge. Will fill in when president is not available or away. It will also be the VP’s responsibility to make sure that matters passed at club meetings are carried out satisfactory. VP will assist the President in any matter that the President may need.

Secretary – Responsible for clubs paperwork and records.  Will keep minutes of meeting, dates of significant club related events.  Will receive all prospect applications for record keeping.

Treasurer – Will be in charge of club finances.  We do have an alt that was 0 set to begin with that funds will go to and the treasurer will have access to. Security measures are in place for others to access this account if need be. Treasurer will allocate funds for MC property (rent), events or any other club matter that may arise.  In no way is the treasurer to be asked for club funds for any personal reasons.  The funds will be used for things approved by the MC. Rent will likely be the first priority and where most funds go to. 

Sergeant at Arms – SAA is responsible for clubs safety.  If a sim is being griefed or a known griefer is active on a sim, if at all possible the SAA may issue a mass TP to get members safely out of there.  SAA will also be responsible for scanning our club area for any harmful objects. SAA may be given additional tasks as President sees fit.

Road Captain – RC will be responsible for the planning of Ride Outs.  They will be sure to fill out ride out request forms and reserve times and dates for the MC at a track.  They may also organize and plan our inclusion at another MCs Rally.  This will be the set-up of our area or tent. They will also relay the schedule of the events we are included in.

Enforcer – Enforcers will be tasked with making sure things run smoothly day to day.  They will be tasked to make sure rules of the club are followed.  They may at times also be asked to assist with matters of security to assist the SAA or RC as needed.

Recruiting Officers -  Recruiting officers will be in charge of recruiting new members and assisting prospects during their prospecting period.  RO’s will collect any membership appliciations and take Prospective Members into consideration.  If another officer receives a prospective interest or is handed an application it is to be passed along to the RO.  The Administrative Process for Prospects will be handled by the President, VP or one of the Recruiting Officers.  Prospective Applications will then be given to secretary for record keeping.

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